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  • Project:Explore genetic relationship of plants along Suzhou creek through DNA barcodingStudents:Huan Xu, Mengmeng Wang, Yuxuan HuSchool:Suzhou High School Affiliated to Xi'an Jiaotong University; Suzhou high school; Ulink College of Shanghai, Suzhou, ChinaMentors:Xinyue WangAbstract:Suzhou Creek,...
  • 超市里买到的烤肉食材有没有掺假?沧浪亭的竹子缘何拥有共同的突变位点?城市及乡村生物多样性有着哪些不同?……一年一度的DNA条形码项目在夏令营期间完美收官。今年夏天,冷泉港的学员们又通过DNA条形码技术完成了哪些趣味话题,一起来看看吧。你吃到的烤肉货真价实吗?小组学员:陈世嘉、甘凌宇、裘裘、Sophia Kim夏...
  • Project:Ants‘ Finding: Identification Of Ant Species Using DNA BarcodingStudents:Zihui TangSchool:VNEN Academy of Innovation and Excellence(创新博培), Suzhou, ChinaMentors:Xinyue WangAbstract:My goal of research in this experiment is to find out what inse…
  • Project:DNA barcoding of Caffeine containing plantsStudents:Luxin Chen, Weinuo WuSchool:Ulink College of SIP, Suzhou, ChinaMentors:Xinyue WangAbstract:What is the evolutionary relationship of plants that produce caffeine?  by carrying out DNA barcoding …
  • Project:Determining the Evolutionary Relationship of Tropical Fish Using DNA BarcodingStudents:Ge GaoSchool:Ulink College of SIP, Suzhou, ChinaMentors:Xinyue WangAbstract:To find out whether different species of tropical fish are relatives.I would like to
  • Project:The evolutionary relationship of shrimpsStudents:Tian XiaSchool:Ulink College of SIP, Suzhou, ChinaMentors:Xinyue WangAbstract:In Suzhou, there are large amount of water body. The raising of water products like shrimps becoming a important part of
  • Project:DNA Barcoding---A Reliable Way to Determine Fern PhylogeniesStudents:Jingxing YangSchool:Ulink College of SIP, Suzhou, ChinaMentors:Xinyue WangAbstract:In this investigation I wish to obtain information on common species of ornamental ferns that c
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